Monday, August 23, 2004


Just not doing well right now. I wish I had something incredibly interesting or silly to tell you, but I got nuthin'. Been feeling really down lately, especially because of money, and found myself curled up in my mother's bed crying into one dog's fur as the other one licked my socks. Poodle fur really can dry the tears quickly.

Also need to learn how to balance the checkbook a little better. I think the problem is that DH spends the money while I'm at work and I don't count that b/c I don't know about it. Then money I spend isn't taken out of my account until 3 weeks later (grrrr, Mary Kay!) and then I'm in deep doo-doo. Like now. Boy my bank probably hates me.

I'm in a little "Let's-see-who-is-the-most-stubborn" contest with boss right now. The light to both of our offices is on the same switch, and that switch is in her office. She never turns it on in the morning, and I think it's b/c she can keep tabs on me when I come in to turn it on. She'll know what time I get in then. This morning I decided not to bother, and use the sunlight from the windows (got some big windows). Boss hasn't touched the light either. It's been 5 hours and counting, and neither of us have touched the light. We'll see how long this lasts.

Still nothing from Virginia, but I noticed a major mistake on my resume. Stupid me put "Qualifictions rather than Qualifications." No wonder I haven't received any calls. I'm going to break down and apply for jobs in Baton Rouge.

What I'd really wish to do is quit my job while DH works, so that I can search actively IN Virginia, and have both of the two week vacation in Florida... but that's just too irresponsible even for me...sigh. Dammit.