Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Monday was so horrible I was glad to see Tuesday, but it has yet to feel like a Tuesday, argh!

I've given in and am now a permanent state govt employee. The low salary, the crappy health benefits (not so crappy when I consider that I didn't have it to begin with), the years of paper and bureaucracy ahead of me. Such is life.

Now that I'm officially in this position that I've held temporarily since December, everything I'm supposed to do that I didn't know about has been thrown onto me. And everything has a deadline, next week, tomorrow, yesterday, argh! The being nice stopped and now it's criticisms. Oh the joy.

Chiropractor this afternoon. We look at x-rays and I get "educated" some more on crap I've already heard twenty times. I think it's time to nip it in the bud. "Look, I get it. My spine has problems, it affects everything. I badly need adjustments. You badly need money. I don't have the money so either do it half price or shut up."

I need a nap.