Monday, May 24, 2004

How my parents encourage me

(dripping with sarcasm)
"You'd make a GREAT housewife! No need to make enough money to hire a maid with you around!"

I received that after vaccuuming the house for my Dad. We have ten cats living with us. He waited two days from when I vaccuumed to mop the floor, which was the reason he wanted me to vaccuum. Ten cats, two days. They can do some damage.

He's usually not so bad about it. My mother, on the other hand, can be very anal with cleaning - we've nicknamed her Martha.

Two weeks ago I showed her around the house where Pete and I were housesitting. This was a normal couple whose towels in their bathroom were folded normally. Not anally, normally, like people should fold their towels that nobody looks at. As soon as she saw their towels (I showed her the linen closet b/c I was proud that normal people weren't anal about towel folding) she said with a snicker, "Oh you folded their towels?"

Yeah, they make me feel just precious. They love me, really.


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