Friday, July 16, 2004

Parents' Night
Last night we went to Parents' night at church where DH has been teaching Vacation Bible School to screaming ADHD kids all week.  Although he's only there from 9-2 everyday, he's been purely exhausted as soon as he comes home.  He's been late everyday in picking me up from work because he crashes and doesn't wake up in time to get me.  I've been wondering what the fuss has been about.  Last night I found out.
We walked into utter chaos.  By that time there were only about 10 kids who were there b/c their parents were VBS volunteers and were getting things ready for the night.  The kids did their part by running around playing hide and seek, sneaking brownies, and playing "trip the adult" by getting in the way of anyone who needed to walk somewhere.  DH was tuning his guitar, the kids were running, the adults were screaming, and I stood there bewildered, trying to look as though I was supposed to stand there frozen, in order to fit in.  Finally, everyone arrived and the sanctuary was soon filled with kids, parents, DH and me.  The band (with DH as the bass guitar) started up and the kids began singing as loud as they could and jumping up and down (as they were taught) to praise songs. 
As overwhelmed and exhausted as I was just by watching them, I couldn't help but tear up with the thought that these kids were such joys to their parents and so cute... and I didn't have one.  They all loved DH too, and their cuteness didn't escape him either.  He was smiling and giggling right along with them.   A ten year old girl also managed to develop an extreme crush on him, sitting by him, making him hug her when he's hugging me, and talking to him nonstop:
"Why aren't you in the video?"
"I saw my feet"
"They should've shown you more"
"I saw myself twice!"
"Well they should've put you in three times!"
Boy, do I have some competition. 
It was so adorably sweet, seeing how these kids have touched DH, how he's charmed them, and how proud those parents were.  It's also very painful to me, to know that I won't have any of those ankle-biters probably for a long time - a very long time if it were up to DH.  I realize we need to move out of the 'rents house, both make some money, and enjoy our time together alone...but it's a little depressing when people we meet who are our age already have toddlers and babies learning to walk and talk.  Now I know what my co-workers mean when they tell me that all Social workers end up with a foster child of their own.  I'm just glad I work in the department that handles the psycho-foster kids, even I don't want one of those. 


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