Friday, February 20, 2004

Today's Tally

Suck level: 5ish but that could get better or worse... today IS payday... but it's also bill day

Cigarettes: 1 (sorry! it's a temporary thing, happens whenever I'm overwhelmed with life, like right now

Kisses from hubby: thousands... I really do have the best

Cheating on diet: Out the freakin' window... it's time to start over

Poos: none but give me an hour, I just had coffee

Socks: No holes and they match! woohoo!

Work done: None except for actually deciding that taking Monday off would be a good complement to Tuesday's holiday, and it would also be a great time to take the hubby to New Orleans for the big Mardi Gras parades... we were actually going to MISS it this year, which seems almost a sin when I live an hour from N'awlins, and even my govt job gives me the holiday off.

Chocolate ingested: None, but it's early.

Sorry to have such a boring blog today, last night was exhausting. No good news on my sister yet, I'll just keep the bad to myself since I have faith it will get better. Cheerio, and thanks to those who helped me with figuring out how to put pics up on this thing, I'll try some tonight.