Friday, May 14, 2004

No Jesus Talk this time I promise

Yesterday was so nice. We finally had a break from the rain in the afternoon, and after work went swimming with the Golden Retriever, Maxie. She loves to swim, but it scares me sometimes b/c she's huffing and puffing and she can't just touch bottom and get a rest. She seemed to be all right though, got a lot of exercise. We threw sticks into the pool for her to retrieve and she'd go get them, swim around you for a while, then go sit on the steps to catch her breath and want you to throw her another one. So easy to please this dog.

The other nice thing was that DH cooked for me, the second night in a row. I helped by preparing a few things, but he did the cooking. It was wonderful. One thing that I've realized that we just don't get while living at our parents, is real uninterrupted time to just talk. For the past two nights we have been able to just sit and talk while eating dinner, at the table, no interruptions, no dogs wanting to go out (the Golden is much easier to care for than the Standard Poodles), no parents asking for something to be immediately done, and no phone ringing. The couple who owns the house had left a "couples" game, a book of questions to ask each other and discuss. It seemed geeky at first but I really enjoy it. It's simple questions such as "Name three aspects of your dream home and its location," and "What was your favorite toy as a child?" and "Who was your favorite teacher as a child?". There's still a lot of things I don't know about my husband, so it was nice to sit and listen for a while, and to just enjoy each other's company.

It's going to be difficult to go back to living with parents and demanding poodles on Sunday. (Note: they're not demanding b/c they're poodles, it's b/c there are two of them and they're partners in crime so they can't be left alone for a second, and there isn't a fenced in backyard so they have to be walked all the time).


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